The Proust Questionnaire — Book Edition

Julie Lasky Answers The Proust Questionnaire—Book Edition

By Julie Lasky November 5, 2013
Julie Lasky, Deputy Editor, New York Times, Home & Garden section (New York)
View Julie Lasky’s Profile

This November marks the 100th anniversary of the publication of the first volume of Marcel Proust’s opus, In Search of Lost Time (A la recherche du temps perdu), originally known in English as Remembrance of Things Past. To honor the occasion, we developed the Designers & Books version of the eponymous Proust Questionnaire, which we’ve sent out to various contributors and friends. Rather than including the questions from the original that asked about a wide array of “thoughts and feelings,” our adaptation focuses solely on the respondent’s relationship to books.

View the complete questions asked in The Proust Questionnaire—Book Edition

Here are the answers Julie Lasky sent in response to the Proust Questionnaire—Book Edition:

2. Your favorite childhood book (or favorite childhood author):
JRR Tolkien.

4. Your favorite book title (because you like the sound of it):
Casanova’s Chinese Restaurant by Anthony Powell.

5. A book you could never finish:
Swann’s Way.

6. A book you will never start:
The Pilgrim’s Progress.

8. A book you should have read but haven’t:
The Stones of Venice.

12. Your most idiosyncratic reading habit:
Reading massive Victorian novels (think Trollope) on my phone in the middle of the night.

14. If you could be any author:
Alice Munro.

17. The last book you bought:
Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner.

19. The book you are currently reading:
The Kingdom and the Power by Gay Talese.

20. The book you will read next:
Far from the Tree by Andrew Solomon.

21. The current location of the book you will read next:
Night table.

Also see “Celebrating a Proust Anniversary with The Proust Questionnaire—Book Edition.”

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