Neil Denari

Architect / United States / Neil M. Denari Architects

Neil Denari’s Book List

I am primarily a reader of nonfiction, and reports, almanacs, and encyclopedias have always interested me as they dryly lay out apparently unbiased information. I am also interested in the opposite: spurious conjectures, crackpot theories, conspiracies, and theoretical arguments. Reports are not, however, immune to jargon and subtle coercion, and spurious conjectures can be very clear and persuasive. When books of any kind collapse this distinction, that’s where I find the most pleasure.

3 books
Herbert Kunze et al.

Otl Aicher’s graphic design, Frei Otto’s stadia, the Israeli Hostage Crisis, and the hopes and dreams of a proto-democratic Germany all compiled, classified, and described in this three-volume report on the 1972 Munich Olympics.

Lester Bangs

You’ve got to love the only rock critic whose favorite record was Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music.

The President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy

The best roman à clef ever written, and the first serious book I read as a kid.

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