Books by Contributors

These are the books that our invited designers, commentators, and guest contributors have written.
25 books
Thomas Jefferson: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Everything
Maira Kalman
First Shapes
Ivan Chermayeff et al.
First Words
Ivan Chermayeff et al.
Charley Harper’s Animal Kingdom
Charley Harper et al.
A Balloon for a Blunderbuss
Bob Gill et al.
The Green-eyed Mouse and the Blue-eyed Mouse
Bob Gill
Smartypants (Pete in School)
Maira Kalman
I Keep Changing
Bob Gill et al.
The Hole Story
Ivan Chermayeff et al.
Girls Standing on Lawns
Maira Kalman et al.
Max Makes a Million
Maira Kalman
Ooh-la-la (Max in Love)
Maira Kalman
Sayonara, Mrs. Kackleman
Maira Kalman
Swami on Rye (Max in India)
Maira Kalman