Alexa Hampton

Interior Designer / United States / Mark Hampton LLC

Alexa Hampton’s Book List

I have always been a big reader. My tastes are far-ranging—from police procedurals to history to biography and even chick lit.

21 books
Elmore Leonard

See my comments on Killshot by Elmore Leonard.

Roald Dahl

Perverse, funny, and a little wicked.

Octavio Paz

A beautiful poetic book with philosophical and political essays.

Jane Austen

I don’t understand how a person couldn’t love this book.

André Gide

Gide is one of my favorite writers.

Anne Rice

What can I say—a really great yarn.

Isabel Allende

Great magical realism.

Nick Hornby


Lee Child

I love all the books in the Jack Reacher series (more police procedurals)  and can’t wait for the next one.

Elmore Leonard

See my comments on Killshot by Elmore Leonard.

Willa Cather

I read this as a 13-year-old and petitioned my school to exchange this for George Eliot’s Middlemarch as our summer required reading. It is a beautiful, easy read. I love Cather.

Henning Mankell

One in a series of Scandinavian police procedurals about a grumpy, diabetic policeman, Kurt Wallender. Amazing books.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

This is in my top ten fiction reads. I love the story and I feel for Raskolnikov.

Isabel Allende

See my comment on Eva Luna by Isabel Allende. 

Martin Amis

For me, Amis is hit or miss. I love his books, but he is such a pessimist, I sometimes have to put his books down. But, he is always hilarious.

Oscar Wilde

Perfect and spooky.

Julian Barnes

A great read. I love British authors.

Alexandre Dumas

This is the book that triggered my love of reading. I read it the summer after the fifth grade and, ever after, I was a reader.

Martin Amis

See my comments on The Information by Martin Amis.

Pat Conroy

I read this book just before my college interviews. I spent most of them making sure my interviewers went and bought this book. I loved it.

Elmore Leonard

Elmore Leonard is a great American author. His dialogue is snappy and fun.

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