Daijiro Mizuno

Writer; Editor; Educator / Japan /

Daijiro Mizuno’s Notable Books of 2012

3 books

It goes without saying that Wim Crouwel is one of the greatest graphic designers of the 20th century. This book—a Japanese edition of the London Design Museum exhibition catalogue originally published by Unit Editions* and now out of print—celebrates more than 60 years of Crouwel’s designs, including his rigorous grid system, typographic designs such as the New Alphabet, and museum exhibitions.

*A digital version of the catalogue for iPad, with enhanced content such as a video interview with Crouwel, has been produced this year by Unit Editions.

Kazuko Koike

Ikko Tanaka was a graphic designer and a founding member/art director of MUJI. 21_21 Design Sight, a design museum in Tokyo, organized an exhibition to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of his death. This book serves as an exhibition catalogue with contributors including Tadao Ando reevaluating Tanaka’s achievements in design.

Helmut Schmid

Helmut Schmid is a graphic designer born in Austria in 1942. Currently Schmid lives in Japan and continues to work vigorously. Without question, his book Typography Today, released in 1980, is one of the most significant contributions to the development of typographic design in the last few decades, but Japan Japanese is also a unique book, which revisits Schmid’s early work (1968–73) on the Swiss typography and photography magazine Typografische Monatsblätter. As a look at the precursors to the contents of Typography Today, this book offers a visual historiography of contemporary typography.

ヘルムート・シュミットはオーストリア生まれ(1942)のグラフィックデザイナー・タイポグラファーである。現在、大阪に在住しながら勢力的に活動を展開し、日本では大塚製薬「ポカリスエット」、資生堂 「ELIXIR」、「IPSA」のロゴデザインを手掛けたことでも知られるが、1980年に発表された書籍TYPOGRAPHY TODAYこそが重要な一冊であり、それに至るまでの文脈理解こそが今学ばれるべきだろう。この意味のいて、 japan japaneseはスイスのティポグラフィシェ・モナーツブレッテル(TM)誌に連載(1968年1月~1973年3月)した内容をまとめた大変資料価値の高い一冊である。

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