Lisa Jenks

Fashion Designer; Product/Industrial Designer; Jewelry Designer / United States / Lisa Jenks

Lisa Jenks’s Book List

One of my favorite things (after reading) is to collect design and art books. I will use any sort of excuse to add one if there is the slightest chance that it may be helpful for a particular project. Failing that, if a book is beautifully printed and I am feeling slightly flush, into the collection it goes. I have slowed down as of late, though, since my bookcases are a bit crowded.

I find I am now drawn to books that have scientific, metaphysical, or spiritual leanings. Even though I have some novels on my list, I find that these days they are not catching my eye, but I’m not sure why.

4 books
Jean-Dominique Bauby

In this slim book Bauby documents what went on in his mind after his devastating stroke. His courage, poetic language, and fate are unforgettable. Heartbreaking and inspiring.

Wendy Burden

Full disclosure: Wendy is a dear friend, but this is a great read. Tragic and funny and shows the inside of a type of life most will never know.

Jared Diamond

A fascinating explanation of how and why we all ended up the way we are culturally.

Norman Doidge

Just so fascinating and encouraging. I devoured it. Our brains are so much more plastic than ever thought and can grow throughout our entire lives. Nothing seems impossible!

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