Philip Freelon

Architect / United States / The Freelon Group, Architects

Philip Freelon’s Book List

The majority of the books in my library are monographs and other volumes that document built and unbuilt work through photographs and written analysis/critique. I have not included these important and valued books on my list but have instead focused on the titles that have inspired me and broadened my understanding of the world—past, present, and future. My list includes books on design in general, architecture, photography, science, and science fiction. My interests, though varied, are centered on imagining, understanding, and interpreting environments.

4 books
William McDonough
Michael Braungart

A call to arms for all, especially design professionals.

Nader Ardalan
Laleh Bakhtiar

A refreshing and fascinating departure from the standard Western theories on form, space, and order.

Francis D. K. Ching

A trusted reference of mine when I was a student and still relevant 30 years after publication. The pencil drawings are at once impeccable and soulful.

David Macaulay

Intended for children, Macaulay’s first few books (including Cathedral and Castle) were inspiring to me as a lifelong student of architecture. And I greatly admire his exquisite pen-and-ink drawings.

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