Stefan Sagmeister

Graphic Designer / United States / Sagmeister Inc.

Stefan Sagmeister’s Book List

I read about 30–40 books a year. When I went on sabbatical I thought I would be reading much more, having all this wonderful time available. But I did not read more at all—apparently one book every one to two weeks is the rhythm that fits my desires best. I have started to read books aloud to some of my favorite people, and enjoyed that a lot. It allows for appreciating something together. Here is my top of the pop list.

5 books
David Foster Wallace

Essays so incredibly well written they make the most mundane aspects of life enticing.

Edward de Bono

Many of our ideas were aided by the techniques discussed in this book.

Brian Eno

A wonderful diary about someone who figured out how to live a truly full life.

David Foster Wallace

The essay on porn includes all there is to say about it.

Roland Huntford

The duel beween Robert Scott and Roald Amundsen for the South Pole; great learnings on how to run a design company.

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