Gail Anderson

Graphic Designer / United States / Gail Anderson

Gail Anderson’s Book List

Online design research is helpful and I do love my audio books when I’m driving, but regular old hardcovers and paperbacks will always rule. Books have memories attached to them, the occasional forgotten slips of paper, and sometimes even an earnest childhood signature. My list is comprised of design books I can’t function without, titles that have had lasting meaning for me, and some that overlap both categories.

2 books
Emily Cheney Neville

Harriet the Spy, It’s Like This, Cat, and later, all of the S. E. Hinton books, were childhood favorites that still resonate to this day. Perhaps it’s the city kid side of me that identified with the adventurous loners I met through their stories.

H. A. Rey

Any Curious George or Madeline book makes my list of favorites. I even have the anthologies. I wish I had the originals my sister and I shared as kids, but a girl can dream…

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