Dan Formosa

Product/Industrial Designer / United States / Smart Design

Dan Formosa’s Book List

I included some design and non-design books in my list. All of them have been influential, although for some books, direct connections may not be obvious.

2 books

A look into the importance of details in creating exceptional design experiences—details that, in many cases, companies (or designers) typically overlook (which is surprising since various takes on the quote “Design is in the details” seem to be ubiquitous within the profession). In this case, the focus is on interaction design. Its principles, however, apply to every touch point we have with interfaces, products, services, and virtually everything in our lives.

Arthur J. Pulos

Published in 1983, this is great book on design. I’m especially fascinated by the opening chapters covering the early history of design in America. Innovations evolved not just from a need to survive in the new frontier—American design and technology was part a deliberate effort to separate America from its European ties. Political from the start.

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