Chosen Books

Invited designers and commentators have chosen these as the books that inspire them and that have shaped their worldview or their ideas about design.
240 books
The Deposition of Richard Prince: In the Case of Cariou V. Prince et al.
Greg Allen, ed.
Conformismo e Trasgressione
Annamaria Andreoli
The Art of Florence
Glenn M. Andres et al.
Storia dell’Arte Italiana (3 vols.)
Giulio Carlo Argan
Ocean Flowers
Carol Armstrong et al.
Art and Visual Perception
Rudolf Arnheim
The Power of the Center
Rudolf Arnheim
Super Constellation
Christoph Asendorf
Constantin Brancusi
Friedrich Teja Bach
Punk’s Dead
Simon Barker et al.
Masters of Modern Art
Alfred Barr
American Stories: Paintings of Everyday Life
Carrie Barratt et al.
Magritte and Contemporary Art
Stephanie Barron
Système de la Mode (The Fashion System)
Roland Barthes
La Sparizione dell’Arte (The Disappearance of Art)
Jean Baudrillard
Painting and Experience in Fifteenth-Century Italy
Michael Baxandall
Art & Fear
David Bayles et al.
Füssli, the Wild Swiss (Fuseli, the Wild Swiss)
Christoph Becker, ed.
The Shape of a Pocket
John Berger
Rediscovered Masterpieces of Mesoamerica
Gerald Berjonneau et al.
Cent ans d’histoire de France
Emmanuel Berl
Friedrich Kiesler: Architekt, Maler, Bildhauer, 1890–1965
Dieter Bogner, ed.
Cleopatra’s Nose
Daniel J. Boorstin
Mark Rothko: A Biography
James E. B. Breslin
Marianne Brandt
Hans Brockhage et al.
Maynard Dixon: Artist of the West
Wesley M. Burnside
Historical Color Guide: Primitive to Modern Times with Thirty Plates in Color
Elizabeth Burris-Meyer
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