Quote of the Day


183 blog entries
By Wim Crouwel March 27, 2014

Mies van der Rohe is one of my heroes.

By Amanda Dameron December 30, 2013

Whether he’s dealing with the visual pollution clogging our daily lives, the necessity of avoiding “the monstrosity of sprawl,” or the proper way to “read” a painting or a sign, Nelson is a patient but forthright teacher for training oneself to embrace the right kind of sight.

By Nathalie de Vries August 15, 2013

On my first ever trip to the U.S., I went to L.A. instead of New York because of this book.

By Paolo Deganello August 2, 2013

I suggest that young architects and designers create for the “99 percent.”

By Anthony Dunne March 24, 2014

An inspiring take on the need to combine political critique and imagination, a reminder of the importance of dreaming, and a rallying cry to embrace the impossible.

By Hartmut Esslinger February 10, 2014

Among the many reasons to keep returning to this book: “As a leader, do what you have to do and don’t try to be popular.”

By Marion Fasel July 21, 2014

Talented but little-known American jewelry designers of the early 20th century are given their due in this gloriously illustrated book.

By Jules Fisher May 19, 2014

How do you bottle light? Corot does not give an answer but captures atmosphere so effortlessly you will not give up the quest.