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183 blog entries
By Tiana Vasiljev October 11, 2013

This book is a true type nerd’s delight.

By Tim Brown August 13, 2013

Convinced me that design had a higher purpose than simply creating the latest consumer product.

By Tim Brown September 20, 2013

A beautiful logic and pragmatism introduced to what had previously been seen as a black art.

By Tim Brown December 18, 2013

A 40,000-year perspective on why it is better to make the pie bigger than compete for a slice of the existing pie.

By Todd Oldham December 10, 2013

As if Rod Serling had made craft books. You will never look at paper the same way again.

By Todd Oldham October 10, 2013

No one has the ability to string words together like Dorothy Parker. The stories remain fresh after years of reading them and I often marvel how contemporary they are. I have clearly distressed my paperback version so this was the first e-book I bought.

By Todd Oldham September 13, 2013

This smart, elegant survey of the artist-magician Tony Duquette is a testament to unbridled thinking and design derring-do. The world he created was like visiting another planet that was influenced by Earth and didn’t get it quite right but made it better.

By Tom Kelley December 16, 2013

The book’s collection of 100 social-innovation/design projects was just the jumping off point for Emily Pilloton’s subsequent ventures: a cross-country Design Revolution Road Show, a hands-on design thinking curriculum for high school kids, a design-and-build summer camp for tween girls, and a documentary film on the power of design thinking. It’s not just a book. It’s the harbinger of a bright future.

By Tom Kundig December 15, 2014

Shadows are the silent reason that objects are recognized; they give them shape. Shadows represent the soul of a place or object.

By Tom Kundig October 18, 2013

This has been an important book for my career. I’ve read it multiple times—it continues to be meaningful and I don't expect that will change. Shadows are the silent reason that objects are recognized; they give them shape.