Zara Arshad

Book Board Member / Writer; Editor / China / Design China

Zara Arshad was born and raised in the UK, but has also lived in Indonesia and Syria. She now resides in China as a graduate of the BA (Hons) Design course, Goldsmiths College, and continually promotes internationalism and the potential of design to solve social and political issues.

Since 2008, Zara has been a freelance graphic designer and creative thinker, with clients such as UNV China, Teach for China, The Library Project, Icon magazine, Change Observer, and AIGA. She previously worked at Icograda Beijing 2009, British Council China, and Beijing Design Week, and currently writes for Design China and other publications.
特邀撰稿人:记者/作者;编辑/中国/Design China(设计中国) /

阿飒在英国出生长大,曾旅居印度尼西亚和叙利亚。于金匠大学(Goldsmiths College)设计专业获得荣誉学士学位后,她迁居中国,致力于推广国际主义,将设计的力量运用于解决社会和政治问题。

2008年以来,阿飒作为自由平面设计师和创意人,为联合国中国志愿者协会、中国教育行动、图书馆计划、英国ICON杂志、Change Observer(改变观察家)和国际平面设计师协会服务。她曾在2009世界设计师大会(北京),英国大使馆文化教育处与北京国际设计周工作,现在她为Design China(设计中国)及其他出版物供稿。

Chinese translation by Lynn Zhang.

Contributed Articles

Daily Features
By Zara Arshad October 17, 2013

This year’s AGI Open—easily graphic design’s most high-profile annual international conference—took place in London at the end of September. Organized by Tony Brook (Spin, Unit Editions), Angus Hyland (Pentagram, London), and Adrian Shaughnessy (Unit Editions), and the AGI UK board, sessions covered education, gender, clients with ideas, and the pluses and pitfalls of collaboration. 

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