Alexa Hampton

Interior Designer / United States / Mark Hampton LLC

Alexa Hampton’s Book List

I have always been a big reader. My tastes are far-ranging—from police procedurals to history to biography and even chick lit.

7 books
Glenn Andres
John Hunisak
A. Richard Turner

A two-volume tour de force about my favorite city on earth. My parents met in Florence on a blind date!

Peter J. Gärtner

My favorite architect (along with Schinkel, Soane, and Alberti). A great sculptor and a great artist, too.

John Richardson

Not as pulpy as Arianna Huffington’s biography—more serious and more in-depth.

Giorgio Vasari

Any art historian, serious or not, must read this book—part history, part fiction and part propaganda.

Nancy Mitford

See my comments on Frederick the Great by Nancy Mitford.

Nancy Mitford

See my comments on Frederick the Great by Nancy Mitford.

John Berger

I read this book as a freshman at Brown University and it introduced me to a new way of looking at images. It’s an interesting text.

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