Hartmut Esslinger

Product/Industrial Designer / United States / De Tao Group/Studio Esslinger

Hartmut Esslinger’s Book List

Decisions—decisions . . . Here are “my” books. Actually I have two walls of books, one here in San Francisco and another in Germany.

In addition to the fiction on my list, I read a lot of history—currently American: politics, design, and biographies.

3 books
Marcus Aurelius

Among the many reasons to keep returning to this book:

—“As a leader, do what you have to do and don’t try to be popular.”

—“Why would you care for fame with those who aren’t even born yet?”

Lao Tzu

One of many reasons to read it again and again: “A vessel is defined by the space where there is nothing.”


A timeless record of the beginning of “Western culture” and philosophy. (I didn’t like it so much when we had to study it in high school.) One always comes back to it (“sightseers of the truth”)—especially when reading modern philosphers like Ludwig Wittgenstein (“what can be shown cannot be said”).

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