Jasper Morrison

Product/Industrial Designer / United Kingdom / Jasper Morrison Ltd.

Jasper Morrison’s Book List

Haruki Murakami, Georges Perec, Primo Levi.

10 books
Wilfred Thesiger

Or any book by this author.

Norman Lewis

A master travel writer.

Raymond Roussel

Beyond the normal limits of human imagination.

Eric Newby

The story of a master travel writer.

Herwin Schaefer

Good to stay in touch with one’s roots!

Georges Perec

Essential reading for those in the object business.

Alberto Denti di Piranjo

Memoir of an Italian doctor in North Africa during the war. Wonderful writing.

Bruce Chatwin

Short and beautiful essays.

Primo Levi
Translated from Italian by Raymond Rosenthal

A life told through the author’s involvement with the elements.

Haruki Murakami

Japanese genius storyteller.

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