Lisa Jenks

Fashion Designer; Product/Industrial Designer; Jewelry Designer / United States / Lisa Jenks

Lisa Jenks’s Book List

One of my favorite things (after reading) is to collect design and art books. I will use any sort of excuse to add one if there is the slightest chance that it may be helpful for a particular project. Failing that, if a book is beautifully printed and I am feeling slightly flush, into the collection it goes. I have slowed down as of late, though, since my bookcases are a bit crowded.

I find I am now drawn to books that have scientific, metaphysical, or spiritual leanings. Even though I have some novels on my list, I find that these days they are not catching my eye, but I’m not sure why.

5 books
Alastair Duncan
Georges De Bartha

I think this is my favorite of all my design/art books. Such amazing workmanship and design. I covet the books in this book—they are gorgeous.

Stuart Durant

Nice overview that begins with William Morris and extends through to the 1980s.

I am a huge fan of Maira. I adore her artwork, but even more her perspective on the world.

Vladimir Tolstoy

I love Russian graphics, design sensibilities, textiles.

Christian Brandstätter

This is a great overview of the Vienna Workshops movement and all its various products and designers.

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