Dan Formosa

Product/Industrial Designer / United States / Smart Design

Dan Formosa’s Book List

I included some design and non-design books in my list. All of them have been influential, although for some books, direct connections may not be obvious.

7 books
Malcolm Gladwell

This, and other books by Malcolm Gladwell, are great not just because of the interviews and topics covered but also because of the writing style, which makes you feel like you’re standing side-by-side with the author and interviewees during their conversations.

Fritjof Capra

Not a new book, but a thought-provoking introspection of Eastern thinking, and its relevance to science.

Harold McGee

This is a significantly sized textbook on food history and science. Brilliantly written, it contains a wealth of interesting facts about the things we cook and eat. While it delves deeply at times into food chemistry, it is extremely easy to follow. I find myself quoting its many factoids in lots of daily conversations (maybe because I know a lot of people who talk a lot about food).

Charles E. Osgood

First published in 1957 and written for psychologists, it’s a bit difficult to get through. But it’s a great look at early (and still relevant) methods of measuring and understanding perceptions and emotions.

Charles Seife

A fascinating look into the origins of the number system, and how math emanated from a desire to understand nature. It discusses how culture evolved accordingly. Also addressed is how the fear of zero (along with a fear of too much science), through the religious beliefs of the Catholic Church in Europe, curtailed the advancement of civilization. The book evokes thoughts about how a fear of math today—or at least an avoidance of quantitative techniques in the field of design—may be having similar effects.

Chas Williams

A nice look at the way working musicians get around the complexity and limitations of traditional music notation—which is a god-awful example of information design.

James Collins

A look at pretty-good companies that have been in existence for decades, and (suddenly) became great. Personal discussions about the many companies I consult with conjure up various principles discussed in Jim Collins’s book.

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