Michael Manfredi

Architect / United States / WEISS/MANFREDI Architecture/Landscape/Urbanism

Michael Manfredi’s Book List

How to compile a list of meaningful books? Where to start? The following is a very partial list of books that have been formative to me as an architect, designer, and teacher. It’s an eclectic list. These are books that I revisit often and that, in effect, continue to be my valued friends, mentors, provocateurs, and sources of inspiration.

3 books
Vladimir Nabokov

Nabokov’s elliptical autobiography and beautiful exposition of memory. More than a conventional autobiography, it is a set of elegantly written recollections of events, of people, of spaces and places—it is at once dreamy and precise.

Marcel Proust

Proust’s complex and very long quasi-novel has incomparable high points. His description of the nexus of circumstance, emotion, and place—the sheer poetry of everyday existence—is sublime.

Flora Oddone Editor
Teresita Oddone Editor

One of my first books. Growing up in Italy and reading this book inspired me with tales of surreal and fantastic places—architectures where the real and the imagined converge.

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