Chosen Books

Invited designers and commentators have chosen these as the books that inspire them and that have shaped their worldview or their ideas about design.
318 books
Architecture of Truth
François Cali
Diary of the Cavaliere Bernini’s Visit to France
Paul Fréart de Chantelou
Emotionally Durable Design
John Chapman
Community and Privacy
Serge Chermayeff et al.
Architecture: Form, Space, and Order
Francis D. K. Ching
A Hut of One’s Own
Ann Cline
Changing Ideals in Modern Architecture
Peter Collins
Privacy and Publicity: Modern Architecture as Mass Media
Beatriz Colomina
Modern Architecture
Alan Colquhoun
Programs and Manifestoes on 20th-Century Architecture
Ulrich Conrads
Ancient Greek Architects at Work: Problems of Structure and Design
J. J. Coulton
Carlo Scarpa: Theory, Design, Projects
Maria Antonietta Crippa
Carlo Scarpa: The Complete Works
Francesco Dal Co et al.
The Architecture of Happiness
Alain de Botton
Trutg dil Flem: Seven Bridges by Jürg Conzett
Wilfried Dechau et al.
La Villa Kérylos
Vian des Rives
Recueil et Parallèle des Edifices de tout genre Anciens et Modernes
Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand
Translations from Drawing to Building and Other Essays
Robin Evans
Disappearing Architecture
Georg Flachbart et al.
A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method
Banister Fletcher
A History of Architecture
Sir Banister Fletcher
Modern Architecture, 1851-1945
Kenneth Frampton
Design Activism
Alastair Fuad-Luke
Critical Path
R. Buckminster Fuller
Nine Chains to the Moon
R. Buckminster Fuller
Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth
R. Buckminster Fuller
Walter Pichler: Zwei Troge, Wasserrinnen
Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman
Archizoom Associati, 1966–1974
Roberto Gargiani
Mastering Tradition: The Residential Architecture of John Russell Pope
James B. Garrison
An Architectural Guidebook to Los Angeles
David Gebhard et al.
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