Glenn Pushelberg

Interior Designer; Product/Industrial Designer / Canada; United States / Yabu Pushelberg

Glenn Pushelberg’s Book List

I travel often, however, most times I’m catching up on sleep or following up on emails. I take time to read when I am on holiday at our beach house in Amagansett, where I can really shut off and focus on something that’s not work. Most books I read are strongly recommended by friends, which is always enjoyable. Visually intriguing and entertaining me is key.

My selection represents a mix of books that I keep coming back to and refer to often whether in life, or at work.

5 books
Gian Paolo Barbieri

This book is often criticized for not fairly representing the Malagasy, and exploiting them, but considering that Gian Paolo Barbieri is a photographer with a creative eye, I see this book for what it is: a series of stunning photographs that play with light and shadow and the human form in a wildly raw and natural setting. The photos feel architectural and effortlessly artistic.

Mateo Kries
Alexander von Vegesack

Being a fan of Colombo’s work, this book is always delightful to look at, but also interesting at the same time, considering that Colombo died at the height of his career. It’s always wonderful to think of how his designs would have further evolved, despite the fact that they already were so aesthetically functional.

Patti Smith

This epic love story about Ms. Smith’s infamous relationship with Robert Mapplethorpe is fascinating and entertaining. Although they were young and they led reckless lives together in New York City’s grittiest days, this book is truly a gentle memoir of the genuine respect and love she felt for Mapplethorpe’s wild unrelenting creative psyche and ability to push boundaries that remain iconic and inspiring.

Edmund White

Paris has always been a city that interests me, with its seemingly endless cornucopia of establishments all rich in personality and culture and strewn amongst each districts and rolled into one urban center. This book captures the curious confusion and enjoyment of moving and weaving through this tourist mecca that has remained a very authentic and local-centric city.

Lawrence Weschler

This book is a fascinating view into the mind and approach of the great American artist Robert Irwin. It’s a good guide for any creative mind to read and digest—and can help hone one’s creative process by focusing attention on the approach itself.

We have several copies in the studio and I encourage everyone in our office to read this book.

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