Chosen Books

Invited designers and commentators have chosen these as the books that inspire them and that have shaped their worldview or their ideas about design.
480 books
Toward a Society of Leisure
Joffre Dumazedier
Picasso & Lump: A Dachshund’s Odyssey
David Douglas Duncan
Travels in Hyperreality
Umberto Eco
The Population Bomb
Paul Ehrlich
The Immense Journey
Loren Eiseley
James the Just in the Habakkuk Pesher
Robert H. Eisenman
The Housing Question
Friedrich Engels
A Year with Swollen Appendices
Brian Eno
Hadrian and the Triumph of Rome
Anthony Everitt
The Ascent of Money
Niall Ferguson
The Pleasure of Finding Things Out
Richard Feynman
“Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!”
Richard Feynman
Bureaucrats: How to Annoy Them
R. T. Fishall
The Art of Eating
M. F. K. Fisher
Long Ago in France
M. F. K. Fisher
The History of Sexuality
Michel Foucault
The Search for Alexander
Robin Lane Fox
The Diary of a Young Girl
Anne Frank
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin
From Slavery to Freedom
John Hope Franklin
The Interpretation of Dreams
Sigmund Freud
Civilization and Its Discontents
Sigmund Freud
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
Sigmund Freud
The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century
Thomas Friedman
The Great War and Modern Memory
Paul Fussell
The Affluent Society
John Kenneth Galbraith
Luciano Gallino
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